Ringhold at Made In Estonia Marathon

We built our second ever “reflections within reflections stage” for performing arts festival of short formats Made in Estonia Marathon. This time music wise, we played an extended version of one part of a previously unreleased song called “Viimased Uudised” (“Latest News” in English). It was also the first time we played any part of this song in a live setting. Our next album – (to be released in Oct’2021) – will feature an English version of that song. Stay tuned!

About the festival. Made In estonia Marathon is an annual, uncurated festival organised by Kanuti Gildi SAAL in Tallinn, Estonia. All artist who want to participate are welcome, there is just one special limit for all perfomances – time limit is 7 minutes. In return the organisers offer full technical support, which also this year was very well organised! This festival has been happening every year since 2006 with live stage and audience of course. This time on the 20th of March, in 2021 it was broadcasted on www.elektron.live and was held for the first time as a live streamed event. Now it is also possible to see all of the perfomances on Vimeo. Enjoy!